Individuals requesting funds complete an electronic funding request form (we no longer use paper forms.)
The Superintendent and appropriate school principal review each request to ensure compatibility with overall school district educational objectives and budget.
The requester may be asked to attend the CFEF Board of Director's monthly meeting for their consideration.
The requester will be emailed a copy of their request and will be able to track the status of their request electronically as it moves through the approval process. Once the CFEF Board of Directors has reviewed the request at their monthly board meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month, the requester will be notified of the outcome via email.
CFEF greatly appreciates any follow up pictures, videos or written summaries after approved grants are implemented. These submissions may be used on social media to promote CFEF so be sure to obtain any necessary permissions for pictures or videos involving students. To upload pictures or videos of CFEF funded projects, click here.